Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | encyclical | fence | reckoner | sky OCR: not conservation energy This does the happen in the normal expansion of density universe in which the matter ener iger. goes down as the wverse gets bi ionary does happen. however, in the infla sity theexpansion because the energy der while supercooled state remaims constar iverse the universe expands when the energy doubles in size, the positive matte both and the negative gravitational ene zero double so the total energy remain iniverse During the inflationary phase, the nount increases its size by a very large ailable to Thus the total amount of energy a make particles becomes very larg there's Guth has remarked It is said tha the no such thing asa free lunch. But the ultimate free Junci wlick wiverse consta wniverse niverse icreases amoun ultmate